Monday, April 13, 2009

Haggis: Ev-il, Like the Fru-its of the Dev-il

One of my kids' favorite movies is So I Married an Axe Murderer.  I confess to becoming quite fond of it myself.  It's really funny and has some very quotable lines.  

I was watching it one night, and in one scene the main character (played by Mike Meyers) stops in a butcher shop to buy haggis for his Scottish parents.  Having never heard of haggis before, my curiosity sent me to the dictionary. 

Yuck!  It's made of ground up internal organs of a sheep and boiled in the stomach of the beast.  I thought, "OK, there's one thing that will never make it into my mouth."

The next morning in the office (this was the late 1990s when I was still in the Air Force), I thought I'd quiz Ray about it.  Ray is one of my favorite people in the world.  He's extremely smart, he seems to know at least a little bit about everything, he's very witty, and he has a quirky sense of humor.  I liked him immediately when I met him, and through the  years, even though we live in different states, we still call each other now and then.  He always makes me laugh.

With the dictionary open in my hand I said, "Hey, Ray, have you ever heard of haggis?"  He said he hadn't, and that surprised me knowing how well-read he was.  I said, "Well, let me just read you the definition from the dictionary."  It went something like this, "haggis: a traditional Scottish dish consisting of a mixture of minced heart, liver, and lungs of a sheep, cooked in the stomach of the animal with suet and onions."

Ray's response:  "Ewwww, onions."

1 comment:

  1. When Leah was in Scotland and I visited her there I said, "what's haggis and should I try it?" Her response was, "You DON'T want haggis!"
